I see the light

Wish I could make the background a bit darker so that the lanterns pop more, but meh. I’m happy with it. : ) I’m sure you’re aware that this is inspired by Tangled. : P Hey, I warned you from the get-go that there would be lots of Disney!

I’ve always wanted to see floating lanterns. They just look so beautiful! How bout you?



Song of ze Day: I See The Light from Tangled

“Most everyone’s mad here.”

“You may have noticed that I’m not all there myself.”

What a mad cat indeed! I’ve always been very fond of the Cheshire Cat, and when I was little and would sit and watch Disney movies (such as Alice in Wonderland) that crazy, disappearing cat was always my favorite. Of course, the way I have drawn him may not make children feel all warm and fuzzy… I dunno – my friends seemed to think this cat was rather creepy. (Not as creepy at Katz from the terrifying show, Courage the Cowardly Dog, mind you. That cat was positively evil!)

Can someone say "Creeper"?

But, anyway, I digress. Even though there wasn’t even a real subject in the first place… Well, hell.



Song of ze Day: Killer by The Hoosiers

“Sometimes I see your face…”

the stars seems to lose their place.”Tears, a wonderful and happy subject, no? I kid, I kid. I didn’t know what I was going to do for this one for a little while, but then I flipped through some songs on my iPod and decided on one that I think fit. : ) The chick’s forehead is a bit awkward, but meh. (I like to think no one would’ve noticed, had I not said anything.)

What do you think of when the word “tears” comes to mind? My thoughts jump straight to sadness, but that’s a bit clichéd, isn’t it? There are tears of happiness, after all.



Song of ze Day: Why Should I Cry For You by Sting

I’ve heard some corny birds who tried to sing…

5. Music

Please tell me that you know what this is from. Please. I’m not going to give anything away as to what this is from, because I want to see how many people actually know what it’s from.

A make-believe cookie to anyone who can guess! (Cuz who could pass up that sweet deal?)



Song of ze Day: (I want so badly to put the song that this is from. But that would give it away. So I won’t.) Maxwell’s Silver Hammer by the Beatles

Even the prettiest of flowers wear with time.

Now, I know that this is quite a jump between numbers, and for that I apologize. But I’m gonna be jumping around little bit. Now, this is #7, Flowers. At first, I wanted to do a picture of those flowers that you close into books for a really long time and then they’re all flattened out, but I settled on wilting/dead flowers. I accidentally spilled a drink on this page, so it’s a bit awkward next to the rose. (Darn Snapple. They can give you all the facts in the world, but they can’t keep their freaking drinks from spilling everywhere.) This isn’t my favorite picture in the world (mainly because I used some crappy pens to color in in with.), but it’s alright. Right?


So tell me, guys. What’s your favorite type of flower?



Song of ze Day: Jolene by The Weepies

Of Endings and Beginnings.

Ok, so I have some good news and some bad news. I’ll be cliched and start with the bad news. While this blog was created for the purpose of giving bored SB residents fun places to go and such, it has become apparent that I will be unable to do much of that. So, I may be able to post a few things here and there regarding that sort of things, but for the most part this blog will have a new purpose. Here’s where the good news comes in. (Well, it’s good news for me. Not entirely sure if you’ll like it or not.) This blog will now host my 100 Theme Challenge. Here’s a short description of what this means:

The 100 Theme Challenge is an art challenge of sorts where you are given a list of 100 words or phrases that you must draw/write your own interpretation of. I have found a challenge on the interwebs that I will be completing in an old book. (Don’t worry. The book has served it’s purpose in life by being read numerous times, and now it is serving it’s new purpose.)

So yes. That’s that, I s’pose. The challenge list can be found here.

I’m off!

-(I guess I’m not really your Local Santa Barbarian anymore, am I? I guess I’ll sign off with an unfortunate nickname.)

Smelly (All I’m going to say is that I blame my old sister.)

Song of ze Day: How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty