Ron Schmidt and Kittens

Ron Schmidt’s photography career began at just 7 years old – with an old Yoshika that his Uncle gave him for Christmas. His first pictures were of his New Jersey neighborhood; the subjects squirrels and his dog Nicki. His interest in photography grew and so he attended the Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara. For a few years, he worked in New York City, assisting celebrity and high profile fashion photographers. Later, in 1999, he decided the branch out on his own. Schmidt’s style of photography is very conceptual and revolves around telling stories through our canine companions. His successful licensing brand called Loose Leashes was launched in May of 2005.

Smchidt’s conceptual storytelling talents really inspired me, and so I chose him for my Inspiration project. And while I wanted nothing more than to try and capture his same conceptual style, I find that it’s a bit harder with untrained animals. Instead of attempting to tell a story through my photo, I simply tried to imitate Schmidt’s use of lighting and other elements.
Instead of using a canine companion as my subject, I photographed my 8 week old kittens, Pooka and Tasha.

Pooka and Tasha

