Over the River and Through the Woods

Last weekend, I went up into the mountains behind SB with my family to have lunch at Cold Springs Tavern. And, I must say, I forgot how incredibly cool that place is.

It gets surprisingly crowded on the weekends, especially Sundays, but it’s worth waiting for a table. They have delicious food and the atmosphere is cozy and warm. And it’s not just one building. You can walk around and take a look at all the other shacks, and there is a small bar next door where you can get a drink or wait for your table.

While you cannot actually go into most of these places (excluding the restaurant, bar, and bathrooms, of course) it’s still quite a fun experience! I advise every one of you to check this place out.

-Your Local Santa Barbarian

Song of ze Day: Rocky Raccoon by The Beatles

Have Some Tea and Biscuits Daahling.

Welcome back, my dear friends! On this episode of- Nah, I’m not going to do that.

Anyway, today I will introduce you to the wonderful world of Teavana. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of the entrance to the store (because I’m a idjit and forgot), but I have some lovely photos of what is inside!

Now, at Teavana they have everything from tea pots (like the lovely ones above) to delicious teas! The employees are wonderful and they were ready to ask any question I had. (They even give out free samples of teas! Woowho, free samples!)

While, unfortunately, my camera was being weird on the focus, here is the lovely Katherine with some free tea samples! Heck yeah!

You can find Teavana in Paseo Nuevo, right next to Aveda. Now go get some yummy tea, guys!

-Your Local Santa Barbarian.

Song of ze Day: Roxanne by The Police

Let the Games Begin

And here we are. The first real post. It took me some time to debate what I should post first. And then I realized that I hadn’t taken enough pictures of places in Santa Barbara yet, and so I will have to suggest a place that many will already know. Ah, c’est la vie. Anywho, the place I want to refer all you lovely people to is none other than the lovely Epic Bowl.

Ah, yes. I’m sure we’re all well acquainted with Epic Bowl. (I know my stomach is.)

Epic Bowl.

Now, to be honest, I only just stumbled across this delightful little smoothie/fruit bowl place not too long ago. But, I must say that these bowls have quickly become “a few of my favorite things.” It was love at first bite. I ordered the Rincon Berry Bowl, and have yet to try anything else because of it’s deliciousness. If you live in SB and it’s a particularly hot (or not) day, I highly suggest visiting this joint. That is, of course, if you haven’t already. Which makes you a teeny bit insane in my book. (Visiting company excluded, of course!)

Rincon Berry Bowl

And here is Epic Bowl’s handy work completed. The aforementioned Rincon Berry Bowl in all it’s glory. With a mix of açaí, bananas, strawberries, and apple juice, topped with even more yummy stuff like granola, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, goji berries, and (my favorite part) honey, this is up there on my “Favorite Things” list.

And here is the colorful menu for you gorgeous viewers of my blog. See it? Anything you like? Well go out and get it! Git! Go experience the beauty for yourselves. I bid you adieu. ❤

With Love,

Your Local Santa Barbarian.


(Just kidding, I’m not actually done yet. Fooled ya, didn’t I? Anyway, just a short note.

Song of ze Day: I’ve Just Seen A Face by the Beatles (cover by Jim Sturgess) (Unfortunately, this is a cover because, for the life of me, I could not find the original Beatles version! Of course, it’s probably on Youtube, but I didn’t want to put a video in here. Oh well. Sorry for the not-so-short note! <3)