Of Movies and Things

So, a break from the art. I think we need that, yes? (And that’s totally not an excuse because I’m lazy and forgot to do my drawing for today. Not at all. Ahem. Yeah.)

Anyway, I want to talk about movies. Yes, movies. There are many great movies about to come out, and I’m sure it’s safe to assume that all of you are interested in at least one of those movies. (Hey, I could be wrong. Maybe you hate the very thought of seeing a movie. No judgement.) While I’m not going to list every single movie coming out in 2012, I am going to talk about ones that I’m interested in. Maybe you’ll share the interest?

1) The Avengers

I don’t think anyone understands how long I have been waiting for this. I will admit that when I saw the trailer during the Super Bowl, I kind of squealed like a little girl. (Ok, I am a girl, but that’s beside the point.) And I haven’t been eagerly awaiting this movie just because Robert Downey Jr. is in it. (Though that does have a lot to do with it.) Come on, who doesn’t want to watch a superhero movie with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, and Christ Evans?

2) Brave

Ah, Disney Pixar at it’s finest. The animation and plot for this movie looks phenomenal. I’m quite surprised that Pixar is doing something so fantasy based. In the past, they have done fantastical movies, but nothing with a real “fairy tale” quality. I definitely think that it’s something many will enjoy.

3) A Monstre à Paris

(This is the English version. I have finally found it!)

(The French Version)

So, this movie came out sometime last year, I believe, but I have yet to find the English version. Even if I can’t find the English version, I would love to see the French one. I found the movie through some artwork of the characters, and I simply fell in love. The fact that it takes place in France, and that the music is gorgeous makes me want to see it even more. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the English version’s release!

4) Rise of the Guardians

All I have to say: Russian Santa. (And Australian Easter Bunny.)

5) Men in Black 3

I’m not really sure what to say here. I know that there are probably many mixed feelings about this movie, but one thing I’m certain of is that I’ll be first in line to see it.

Welcome to Sunny California

One thing any visitor to Santa Barbara must do, is take a drive through the back roads and mountains of SB County. (This somewhat relates to the Cold Springs Tavern post, as you must drive through this area to get there.) You don’t even really need a destination, as the sights are enough on their own. I took these pictures on my way to Cold Springs Tavern the other day, so you can see what I mean.

Now isn’t that a swell sight? And that sure as heck isn’t all there is, either. Driving on the winding roads through all the trees and hills is absolutely breathtaking. I strongly suggest a drive through here.

-Your Local Santa Barbarian

P.S. Don’t forget to send in suggestions or comments! yourlocalsantabarbarian@gmail.com or http://www.sm3llyy.tumblr.com

Song of ze Day: Our Town by James Taylor (and McQueen and Sally by Randy Newman. My song of choice when driving through back roads and mountains.)