Long Time No See and Why the Lack of Art.

Feels like a while, hasn’t it? I do apologize for that, and I’ll try and make it up to you in the weeks to come. Now, not blogging is one thing. But you may have noticed from the lack of art-filled posts that I have not been drawing as regularly as I should be. And I’m sorry for that. But here’s why:

Wait for it…

Art Block.

Gah, it gives me shivers just thinking about it.

The one thing that artists dread most… And I’ve caught it. I try every day to draw something and when I look at the challenge list and try to think of something to draw, do you know what I imagine? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It’s quite frustrating, I assure you. But this problem will be remedied in the near future. I promise. And even if I don’t come up with ideas for the book, I’ll scan some old stuff and post it here (Though I’m not to sure you’ll want to see that stuff. It’s all rather… crappy.)

Anywho, I simply wanted to fill ya’ll in and put your worries to rest. (But really, do any of you worry about something like this? Me thinks not.)

Have a lovely day! (And may the odds be eva in your fava~)


(Oh! And if you ever want to find me on another site, here are some places to look:

My Tumblr

My Twitter

and my Formspring (though, who really uses that anymore?)

Song of ze Day: Waiting on Something Good by Joe Purdy

Angel of Death

22. Death

The “Angel of Death”. I dunno, I kind of like it. However, now that I think about it, I probably should have added some sort of creepy touch. Maybe I’ll go back and add something, just for fun. But, yeah, I chose this depiction of death, because I got to thinking about myths and superstitions and how, in many cases, evil or bad things can be deceiving. Death can be deceiving, no?



Song of ze Day: Angels by Withing Temptation

Once upon a midnight dreary

19. Dark

“Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door –
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door –
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,’ I said, `art sure no craven.
Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore –
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!’
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.’” -The Raven, Edgar Allan Poe

This is by far my favorite drawing in this book. That may change later on, but I just had so much fun putting in detail for this, and I’m so happy with the final product that it’s hard for it not to be my favorite. I think Edgar Allan Poe is brilliant, and I love “The Raven”. It only fits the theme of “darkness”, does it not?

(And, I am aware that I left the ‘Q’ as an ‘O’. Like an idiot. Oh well, it happens. I’ll go back and change it eventually.)



Song of ze Day: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

(P.S. Ravens are cool.)

A Sorrowful 8:15

15. Sorrow

In History class, we’re learning about the atomic bomb, and we recently watched a video about the bombing of Hiroshima. Our teacher showed us a picture of a pocket watch that’s time was frozen on the time when the bomb hit – 8:15. That was the inspiration for this.

I probably could have added more clocks, and it may have looked better with color, but I like and am going to leave it the way that it is.



Song of ze Day: Angel by Sarah McLachlin

Best Friends FIVEever

4. Friendship

I think that this pair from Pixar’s Ratatouille are a fine example of friendship. After all, people come in all shapes and sizes – so friendships shouldn’t be shoved into a certain mold, should they? No, friendships can come from the most unexpected of places. It can come from a neighbor, a classmate, or even a sewer rat (however, that last one is highly unlikely, despite what Pixar wants you to believe.)



Song of ze Day: Le Festin by Camille

I see the light

Wish I could make the background a bit darker so that the lanterns pop more, but meh. I’m happy with it. : ) I’m sure you’re aware that this is inspired by Tangled. : P Hey, I warned you from the get-go that there would be lots of Disney!

I’ve always wanted to see floating lanterns. They just look so beautiful! How bout you?



Song of ze Day: I See The Light from Tangled

“Most everyone’s mad here.”

“You may have noticed that I’m not all there myself.”

What a mad cat indeed! I’ve always been very fond of the Cheshire Cat, and when I was little and would sit and watch Disney movies (such as Alice in Wonderland) that crazy, disappearing cat was always my favorite. Of course, the way I have drawn him may not make children feel all warm and fuzzy… I dunno – my friends seemed to think this cat was rather creepy. (Not as creepy at Katz from the terrifying show, Courage the Cowardly Dog, mind you. That cat was positively evil!)

Can someone say "Creeper"?

But, anyway, I digress. Even though there wasn’t even a real subject in the first place… Well, hell.



Song of ze Day: Killer by The Hoosiers

“Sometimes I see your face…”

the stars seems to lose their place.”Tears, a wonderful and happy subject, no? I kid, I kid. I didn’t know what I was going to do for this one for a little while, but then I flipped through some songs on my iPod and decided on one that I think fit. : ) The chick’s forehead is a bit awkward, but meh. (I like to think no one would’ve noticed, had I not said anything.)

What do you think of when the word “tears” comes to mind? My thoughts jump straight to sadness, but that’s a bit clichéd, isn’t it? There are tears of happiness, after all.



Song of ze Day: Why Should I Cry For You by Sting

“They paved paradise…

and put up a parking lot.”

Last year, I drew a scene similar to this many times. A big, beautiful tree in the midst of towering buildings. It was always while I listened to “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell, and I feel that it fell into the theme for “beautiful” quite well, don’t you?

The quote says “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’re got till it’s gone?”

What’s your definition of beautiful? Is it a person? A trait?



Song of ze Day: Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell

Come fly with me!

I probably listened to Sinatra the entire time I did this. Which is by no means a bad thing, in my book. I feel that this turned out differently in my head, but I can’t say that I’m too disappointed with it. Sure, there are flaws, but I’m pretty pleased with it. : ) I tried to make it look like there was a plane flying in the background, but it just turned into this black fish/bird blob… thing. And the clouds didn’t work out too well, but WHATEVER. I’ll deal with it.


Song of ze Day: Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra (you can’t honestly tell me that you didn’t see that coming, what with the title and all.)