My Top 10 Favorite Disney Movies

As I’m sure you’ve figured out, I’m a huge Disney fan. So I thought that I’d take the time to make a list of my favorite movies. (In no particular order.)

10. The Lady and the Tramp

9. The Beauty and the Beast

8. The Little Mermaid

7. The Lion King

6. The Aristocats

5. Tarzan

4. Hercules

3. Brother Bear

2. Tangled

1. Lilo & Stitch


As I said, this is in no particular order. It’d be close to impossible to try and choose favorites



Song of ze Day: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes from Cinderella

A Disney Legend

I think many artists and animators alike can agree that Disney lost a true animating icon when Glen Keane resigned. For 38 years, Glen Keane contributed greatly to Disney with his skills in both animating and character development. Keane’s last project with Disney was 2010’s Tangled.

Keane worked on many Disney films such as Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and Pocahontas.

It is a sad thing, his resignation, but it also gives us a better appreciation of his accomplishments.


Song of ze Day: When You Wish Upon A Star from Pinocchio

My Favorite Movies

5) Easy A

Ok, so this is mainly because I love Emma Stone. She’s fantastic and this movie is pretty hilarious. (And it helps that I love Ojai, and started watching this movie because my friend went to the school they filmed it at. But, you know. Details.)

4) Zombieland

Oh my goodness, I love this movie so much. It’s hilarious and has a wonderful cast. And it’s so beautifully gory. I didn’t understand just how funny smashing zombies’ faces in could be.

3) Sherlock Holmes

Not only is Robert Downey Jr. the sexiest man alive, but he’s a damn good actor, too. So is Jude Law. Apparently a lot of people found this movie boring? I honestly don’t see how. It’s flipping awesome. And, come one. It’s Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes.

2) Iron Man

Again, more Robert Downey. I’m sorry, he’s just incredibly attractive. I can’t help it. And it’s sort of becoming a problem. But, I digress. This movie is great, Tony Stark is hilarious, and there’s really not much more to say on the matter. (I also really like the second movie – not as much as the 1st one, however.)

1) The Avengers

Ok, so it may seem a little early to claim this as my favorite movie seeing as I just got back from seeing it only about an hour ago, but… I’m going to do it. This movie is my favorite movie. Ever. I cannot accurately explain my feelings for this movie for fear of looking like a complete idiot. See this movie. Do it.